The Loreley

(also called Lorelei, Lore-Ley, Lurley, Lurelei, Lurlei) is a slate rock in the upper Middle Rhine Valley near Sankt Goarshausen, Rhineland-Palatinate.
The 132 meters (193.14 m above sea level) on the eastern right bank of the Rhine (at the Rhine 555 km) as a high, towering rock ledge blocks the stream.
The view from the top of the Rhine curves and on Sankt Goarshausen with the castle Katz is a tourist attraction. A few hundred meters from the vantage point, there is the open air theater Loreley, built in 1939, where major events (for example, rock concerts) take place on a regular basis.


Loreley is also the name of a mermaid on this rock. According to legend, dating back to the 19th century, she combed her long, golden hair there and attracted the boatmen with her singing. In spite of the dangerous current, they did not pay attention to the course, so the ships crashed on the rock reefs. The Loreley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.